Sunday, 8 February 2015

Get To Know Me Tag!

Hello lovely readers, 

Since my last few posts have been beauty/fashion related I thought I'd mix it up a bit! I suppose a lot of people that are reading my blog don't know many things about me, so I decided to do a "Get to know me tag". I haven't been tagged but I wanted to do it anyway. I basically just looked up the tag and found the questions so I'mma answer them right now. 


Are you named after anyone? 
I believe the answer to this is no. My mum actually found my name in a baby book, she had a thing for unusual names and she really liked the name paisley so yeah. 

When was the last time you cried?
I genuinely don't even know. I cry all the time, if i'm sad, happy, angry. It's annoying.

Do you have kids?

If you were another person would you be a friend of yourself?
I think i'm a good friend, however, I'm ridiculously bad at replying to texts from friends and I'll leave it and then completely forget they've even texted, so I'd find that really annoying. oops.

Do you use sarcasm a lot?
 I feel like my bunch of friends are the most sarcastic twats ever. So like no not at all, ever. *sarcasm intended*

Will you ever bungee-jump?
I don't really like the thought of anything of the sort, I am one of those people that literally think about the worst possible scenario for anything. I would love to say I'd done it though. 

What's your favourite cereal? 
Honestly it differs all the time. At the moment though I love porridge the cinnamon flavoured one, banana weetabix(yeah they're a thing and really good", krave and clusters. They are all so good.

What's the first thing you notice about someone?
I feel like it depends on the person but typically you notice eyes or teeth/smile. I always notice if they have good teeth or not and if they do I instantly envy them.

What is your eye colour?
I have multiple debates over what colour my eyes are. When I was younger my eyes were electric blue, now I think they're a bright blue/green but more green, although most people just say my eyes are blue idk. 

Horror movies or happy endings?
I love watching scary movies it really just depends what mood I'm in though because I do like a good cheesy happy ending. 

Favourite smells? 
perfume/aftershave would be victoria secret "eau so sexy", beyonce "heat", paco rabanne 1 million. In general when it starts getting into spring/summer and that "summer smell" i love it.

Summer or winter?
British winter is too cold and is just not okay, British summer is humid and it's just different to other countries versions of "summer" like it's just not the same. I do probably prefer summer for going out and not having to wrap up warm, going to the pub. 

Computer or television? 
Definitely computer, I love my tv shows pretty little liars, vampire diaries, gossip girl etc but I'd watch them all on netflix on my macbook. I barely ever watch tv and when I do I watch it on a computer device. 

What's the furthest you've been away from home? 
Orlando, Florida. 

Do you have any special talents?
Whenever I try and think of a talent I have nothing comes to mind, and it's really sad. 

Where were you born?
The United Kingdom. 

What are your hobbies? 
Blogging, reading blogs, watching youtube videos, going out with friends.

Do you have any pets?
I do. A cocker spaniel called Harley.

Favourite movie?
Literally impossible. I do really love films with leonardo di caprio in though. Romeo&juliet, titanic, wolf of wall street. All good films.

Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I have one older sister named larissa and a younger sister named eden. I am the middle devil chid. 

What do you want to be when you grow up? 
Honestly I don't know and don't really care as long as I'm happy and content with life that's all that matters. 

If you read this tag and fancy giving it a whirl feel free and comment with your post so I can take a look. I hope you now feel like you know a little bit more about me in a non creepy way. 

Thanks for reading


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